Former NASA, worked in Iraq and Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia Aramco cities in UAE, worked in Airports in Orlando and NY, worked 500 bed hospital before 9/11; Worked in New Hampshire Healthcare Facilities MIT Harvard, built airports in TX, CA., NY, FL., and Orlando.
Industry: Construction Special Trade Contractors
About: Former NASA, worked in Iraq and Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia Aramco cities in UAE, worked in Airports in Orlando and NY, worked 500 bed hospital before 9/11; Worked in New Hampshire Healthcare Facilities MIT Harvard, built airports in TX, CA., NY, FL., and Orlando.
Industry: Construction Special Trade Contractors
Current Organization: Lavallee Brensinger Boston Portland Manchester
Specialty: Architectural Design
Honors & Awards: Design Masters Thesis
Affiliations: California Seismic Structural Wind Design of Concrete Steel & Timber Structures, Structural Engineering Institute, Environmental Design, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of of Architect,
( 1985)
Education Level: Master's
Institute Name: University of Colorado
Location: United States of America
Education Level: Master's
Institute Name: School of Engineering & Planning
Location: United States of America
Education Level: Bachelor's
Institute Name: Denison University
Location: United States of America